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KK De Paul




K.K. DePaul is an explorer of secrets, combining and recombining bits and pieces of memory to make sense of her family stories.

"I have always been fascinated by multiple interpretations, double exposures, and the ambiguities that arise depending on which character is telling the story. My process begins with a collection of elements...images...writing. As I move the elements around, a visual narrative begins to take shape, signalling a new understanding of parallel stories. My use of collage indicates a story told in two voices, representing identities that have been torn apart, stripped, reflected upon, and ultimately reconstructed."

Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, DePaul’s award-winning work as a textile artist and photographer has received national and international attention, and has been included in the corporate collections of: SmithKline, The Mayo Clinic, and Capital Blue Cross. Her work has been published in Black&White Magazine, EyeMazing, Diffusion, PhotoWorld, and the New York Times. Kim has also developed and led a series of photography workshops in Paris, Tuscany and Venice.

MFA in Photography, Maine Media College; Rockport ME   2010 (mentor Christopher James)
BS in Art Education, Millersville University; Millersville PA 1971


Only Child (solo show) Jan-March 2015, Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester MA

Next: New Photographic Visions, Nov 2014, curated by Elizabeth Avedon, Castell Photography Gallery, Asheville NC

Alternative Processes with Juror Christopher James, October 2014, Centre for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO

Image : Constructed :: Constructed : Image, Sept 2014, Gray Gallery, East Carolina University School of Art and Design, Greenville SC

20th Juried Exhibition, July 2014, curated by Aline Smithson, Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester MA

Photography: The Full Spectrum, May 2014, NVAL, Redding CA

Diffusion: a five year retrospective, Jan 2014, Verve gallery of photography, Santa Fe NM

Mapping: borders, bodies, memories, Sept 2013, David Weinberg Photography, Chicago IL

Photo+Craft, Sept 2013, Lightbox Photographic, Astoria OR

Colour & Light, curated by W.M.Hunt, Aug 2013, Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach FL

DePaul/DePaul: a collaboration in Life & Art, July 2013, The Ware Center of Millersville University, Lancaster PA

Color & Light, curated by W.M.Hunt, May 2013, Jennifer Schwartz Gallery, Atlanta GA

Stories Memories, and Histories,  Apr 2013, Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO

Eighth Annual Alternative Process Show, Nov 2012 Soho Photo, NYC

C’est l’Ete, July 2012, Galerie Camera Obscura, Paris France

Between the Lines, June 2012, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster PA

Between the Lines, Dec 2011, Sibley Gallery, New Orleans LA

No Alternatives, Oct 2011, Through this Lens Gallery, Chapel Hill NC

Ten Fables, Sept 2011, Marietta Art House, Marietta PA

Between the Lines, April 2011, Maine Media Gallery, Rockport ME

Embracing the Imperfect, Oct 2008; Gallery DePaul, Lancaster PA

Reluctant Brides, Oct 2006; Gallery DePaul, Lancaster PA

Paris Stories, Nov 2005; Gallery DePaul, Lancaster PA

Bodywork, April 2005; Gallery DePaul, Lancaster PA


the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers 2017

Photography: The Full Spectrum, May 2014, curated by Crista Dix, North Valley Art League, Redding CA, First Place

Critical Mass Top 50, 2014
LensCulture Visual Storytelling Award 2014, Finalist

Diffusion Magazine, A Matter of Light, 2014, co-curated by Katherine Ware and Blue Mitchell, 2nd Place

LensCulture Portrait Awards 2014, finalist

Diffusion Magazine Special Issue 2013, Objectifying Photography, Exhibition Award

Stories, Memories, and Histories, Apr 2013, Centre for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO, Director’s Choice

Critical Mass Top 50, 2012
Eighth Annual Alternative Process Show, Nov 2012, Soho Photo, NYC, third place

Open Awards Art Show 2012, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster PA, first place
Illusion and Chemistry: The Alternative Process, Kiernan Gallery, Lexington VA,  Juror’s Choice

Open Awards Art Show 2011, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster PA  honorable mention

Photo National 2011; University of Maine Museum of Art, Bangor ME

Merit Finalist, B&W Magazine Portfolio Competition, Aug 2007

Photographic Visions 2006, Lancaster Summer Arts Festival, Lancaster PA third place

Photo National 2005, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster PA

Photographic Visions 2005, Lancaster Summer Arts Festival, Lancaster PA  second place


Reconstructing, the Work of K.K.DePaul Rfotofolio 2014

Only Child GUP Magazine 2017

“ONLY CHILD” UNRAVELS A MYSTERY What will you remember blog 2015




Depth of Field Magazine 2018

The Griffin Museum of Photography2015

Eyemazing Eyemazing Susan Vol.I

Part of Alcester Grammar School's A level Photography course(!?)

Festival de la Luz, Argentina (video)

CRITICAL MASS TOP 50, 2012  Photolucida